Claremont McDonalds application to be considered by planning authority

A development application for a McDonald’s fast-food restaurant at Main Rd, Claremont, will move into a formal planning assessment process following the granting of landowner consent by the council’s general manager.

Glenorchy Mayor Bec Thomas said the developer had required landowner consent from the general manager to proceed with the application due to its proposed use of a small section of council-owned land for a driveway.

“It is not uncommon for applicants to require general manager’s consent, as many development applications seek to build vehicle access points over council-owned land beside roads.

“The granting of general managers consent means the application can now be formally assessed by the Glenorchy Planning Authority (GPA).

“Consent is provided independently of the assessment process. It has no bearing on any deliberation of the GPA.”

Mayor Thomas said Glenorchy had a robust planning scheme and the GPA would follow legislated planning processes in its assessment.

“We understand there is a level of community concern regarding this development proposal. The council has written to community members who have registered an interest in this application, and they will be kept informed and advised as to when there is an opportunity for them to make representation,” she said.