Environmental management

We are responsible for a range of environmental factors in the area: the municipality covers an area of 121km square and contains a diverse range of open spaces and natural areas spread amongst the residential and industrial suburbs to the north of Hobart.

The City has more than 30 kilometres of Derwent River foreshore. Extensive areas of the foreshore retain natural features and remnant vegetation, including rare saltmarsh communities and coastal shrublands. These areas provide important habitat for native flora and fauna, particularly birds.

We have 500 native plant species in a range of native vegetation communities including alpine, sub-alpine, montane, rainforest and wet forest communities on the peaks and slopes of the Wellington Range, drier forests and woodlands on the lower slopes and foothills, and riparian forests and shrublands, coastal shrublands and saltmarsh complexes along waterways and the Derwent River foreshore.

Thirteen waterways in the City drain from the ranges and hills above into the Derwent River. The management of these waterways is important for preserving wildlife corridors, improving water quality in the Derwent, providing flood protection and preserving habitat for numerous aquatic and riparian species.

River Derwent water sampling

We take regular water samples from the River Derwent as part of the Derwent Estuary Program (DEP).

If you catch fish from the River Derwent, it is important to know that there are some health issues with eating wild shellfish or fish that you catch.

View more information on the Derwent Estuary Program’s seafood safety.

As part of our program, we collect samples for a 4-month period from December to March from a number of sites including Windermere and Elwick bays. Every year these results are evaluated and included in the State of the Derwent annual report.


Declared weeds 

There are more than 130 weeds and landholders are expected to control these declared weeds on their property. The weeds are listed in each municipality as either a Zone A or Zone B species.

Landowners must get rid of Zone A whenever they grow. In the Glenorchy municipality this includes Pampas Grass, Bridal Creeper, Paterson’s Curse and Chilean Needle Grass.

Zone B weeds need to be contained and controlled. Examples of these include Blackberry, Boxthorn, Spanish Heath, Gorse, and Boneseed.

We consider control of Zone A weeds the most important priority and then we target Zone B weeds if they are a specific threat to nearby bushland, open space, and, sometimes, neighbouring properties.

For information on declared weeds in Tasmania visit the Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment webpage:



Non-declared weeds

There are scores of non-declared weeds in Glenorchy that may threaten bushland and natural areas. For further information on these invasive plants, visit the NRM South webpage:


Vegetation/weeds as fire hazards

To report a fire hazard to Council please get in touch.

The City includes more than 4000ha of Wellington Park, which covers the slopes and peaks of Mt. Arthur, Mt. Connection, Tom Thumb and Mt. Hull, the upper catchments of the Humphreys Rivulet and Knights Creek and the headwaters of the New Town Rivulet.

Beyond Wellington Park, we manage several bushland parks and reserves, including N.R. Pierce Reserve, Poimena Reserve, Catherine Street Reserve, Jim Bacon Reserve, Amy Street Community Park and Lutana Woodland Reserve.

The municipality is also home to over fifty threatened plant and animal species. Threatened animals include the Eastern-barred Bandicoot, Tasmanian Devil and the Wedge-tailed Eagle. Four of the more interesting threatened plants are Epacris virgata (Pretty Heath), found in Wellington Park; Dianella amoena, (Grassland Flaxlily), found in Lutana; and Velleia paradoxa, (Spur Velleia), and Eryngium ovinum, (Blue Devil), both found in West Moonah.

There are many heritage features (both Aboriginal and European) dotted through the municipality, many of which occur on land that Council manages.

Our bushland and foreshore reserves are uniquely special. Some are defined as being a ‘rare’ ecological community providing habitat to an diverse array of creatures; some have aboriginal heritage significance; some contain threatened species; and all are sensitive to human impacts including weed infestation, urbanisation and climate change.

We actively manage these reserves (with support from volunteers in some cases) to help protect their natural heritage values. To find out how you can get involved please contact the Environment Team at Council.