Local Hero of the Year – John Shoobridge

The 2023 Local Hero of the Year award was won by John Shoobridge at Glenorchy’s recent Volunteer and Community Awards. As many residents would know, John (and his dog Spot) have been walking the streets and waterfront of Austins Ferry and Claremont for years collecting litter. 

John has been spotted in the past cleaning gutters and natures strips along main streets in the Northern Suburbs, and whipper snipping along the train line in the area. He truly cares about his local environment, and he is a fine citizen of Glenorchy. He walks many kilometres from his home in all directions from his home in Claremont with Spot, in all types of weather, with the aim of pitching in and doing what he can to make our City a better place.

Several years ago, John also conducted a mammoth effort of a one man clean-up of the waterfront area at Beedhams Bay, with Council disposing of the mountain of rubbish for him. Even when he had a broken neck, John continued his daily routine, committed to playing his part in creating a cleaner, greener Glenorchy.

If anyone epitomises civic pride, it is John.