Elected Members Tour Renewed Sport and Recreation Projects across the Municipality

On Monday, January 15, elected members took a break from Chambers to take a workshop tour, inspecting three renewed sport and recreation sites across the municipality. Their first stop was the newly unveiled $3.4 million regional playspace at Giblin’s Reserve in Goodwood, which has play equipment that can’t be found anywhere else in Tasmania.

Already attracting an influx of enthusiastic youngsters and families, the playspace caters to a diverse range of ages and abilities, establishing itself as a family-friendly hub with something for everyone. The Giblin’s Reserve redevelopment received a financial boost of $2 million from the Federal Government and an additional $1.4 million from the Council.

Continuing their tour, elected members visited the $1 million playspace renewal at Benjafiled Park in Moonah, entirely funded by the Council. With construction nearing completion, the modern playspace fulfills the local community’s vision, featuring a vibrant space theme determined through collaboration between Council staff and the Glenorchy Community.

Elected Members expressed satisfaction with the extensive work already accomplished and shared the community’s anticipation for the arrival of the all-abilities Wee Go Swing, expected in early March following some supply chain delays.

The tour’s final stop brought elected members to KGV, where they inspected lighting upgrades, synthetic turf replacement, and the ongoing refurbishment of changerooms and the grandstand. Witnessing a youth development team in action on the new turf pitch, members were impressed with the progress made in revitalizing the sports facilities.

The $2.3 million KGV upgrades are part of a larger $12.8 million grant from the Australian Government, aimed at enhancing soccer facilities in the northern suburbs. This initiative is further supported by a $500,000 grant from the Tasmanian Government through the levelling the playing field grants program. With works underway, the refurbished grandstand and new changeroom facilities are on track to meet the community’s expectations.

As elected members concluded their tour, they shared their optimism for the thriving sport and recreation projects that are set to further enhance community engagement and well-being across the municipality. The commitment to modern, inclusive playspaces and the rejuvenation of key sports facilities signal a promising era for residents to enjoy an active and vibrant lifestyle.