Mitigating Bushfire Risk

Glenorchy is recognised as a high-risk area for bushfire within the Greater Hobart region. Vegetation plays a key role in bushfire risk.  How vegetation is managed for bushfire risk is guided by the State Fire Management Council (SFMC) which has developed an agreed set of principles and strategies that are used by all Tasmanians, including the Council.

Read Tasmanian Vegetation Fire Management Policy 2017.

Council is a member of the Hobart Fire Management Area Committee (HFMAC) which provides a forum for effective bushfire risk management for the Greater Hobart area through a consistent, comprehensive and collaborative approach.

One of the main roles of the HFMAC is to prepare a Bushfire Risk Management plan for Hobart, covering an area of approximately 110,000 ha.

Read Hobart’s Bushfire Risk Management Plan (external link)

This plan’s aim is to coordinate and influence the treatment of bushfire risk in the Greater Hobart area. The plan is developed at a strategic level and is used by the Council to inform its Bushfire Mitigation Strategy and associated plans.

Glenorchy Council Bushfire Mitigation Strategy

Glenorchy Council’s Bushfire Mitigation program began in 2017, and is now guided by the Council’s Bushfire Mitigation Strategy 2020-2030. This strategy guides works for bushfire-prone vegetation managed by the Council, and aims to reduce the risk of bushfire to life and property. The strategy applies a risk-based planning approach which allows Council to manage bushfire risks efficiently, effectively and consistently by considering what Council is currently doing to manage bushfire risks, if that is adequate, and if and where council needs to improve.

Read the Glenorchy City Council Bushfire Mitigation Strategy 2020-2030.

Read the Glenorchy City Council Bushfire Mitigation Policy