Planning scheme amendments

A planning scheme amendment is a change to our planning scheme. It can involve a change to the zoning or overlay maps or a change to the written part of the planning scheme which sets out the planning rules for use and development of land.

A planning scheme amendment can take about 8 to 10 months.

Requesting an amendment

Anyone can ask for an amendment. If the amendment includes land that the applicant does not own, they must get written permission from all affected landowners.

To apply for an amendment to the Planning Scheme, you need to show how the proposal supports the objectives of planning under the State legislation, and meets State policies and Council objectives.

A combined Planning Scheme amendment and planning permit process can be used if a permit cannot be approved unless the Planning Scheme is amended. This allows for the permit application to be considered at the same time as an amendment and reduces the overall time for assessment.

Approving an amendment

We decide whether or not to proceed with a draft amendment. If we decide not to proceed with the draft amendment, the applicant can request a review of the decision by the Tasmanian Planning Commission (TPC).

We need to consider any representations made on the amendment and then submit them to the TPC. The TPC may hold a public hearing to consider the representations.

The TPC makes the final decision and it has the power to approve, modify or reject the amendment.

For more information visit the Tasmanian Planning Commission website.


There is an initial fee to assess an amendment request and, if we decide to initiate the amendment, a further fee is payable to advertise the draft amendment and take it through the rest of the process. 

Fees are also payable to the TPC if a request is initiated. For more information please refer to fees and charges page. 

Making a representation

If you want to make a comment about a planning scheme amendment, you can lodge a representation. A representation can be an objection to the proposal or in support of it.

Your representation must be in writing and needs to be received by Council before the end of the 28 day advertising period for the application.

Submit a representation to a Planning Scheme amendment.

More information

The TPC also has some practice notes on the amendment process.
The relevant planning legislation in Tasmania is the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993.